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Meeting with a financial advisor to discuss plans

Fixed Income Investments Strategy

Earn a Steady Stream of Income on a Fixed Schedule

The purpose of yield-oriented investments in a Balanced Account is to reduce volatility and risk while providing an underlying base of consistent returns to the portfolio.

Benefits & Approaches to Fixed Income Investing

To accomplish the fixed income strategy we place a tremendous emphasis on quality, paying close attention to the strength of the bond issuer, buying only investment-grade issues, and maintaining diversification across industry sectors and issuers. This aims to provide greater stability within the portfolio and the opportunity for a more dependable source of portfolio income.

Fixed Income Potential Benefits
  • Portfolio Diversification
  • Reduced Volatility & Overall Risk
  • Stability of Principal
  • Portfolio Income
Shorter-Term Approach
  • Maximum maturity of 3 years
  • May purchase numerous debt instruments, including but not limited to, Money Market Funds, Treasuries, Corporate and Muni Bonds, and Commercial Paper
  • Purchases investment grade investments
  • Most appropriate for clients seeking short-term income solutions
Mid to Longer-Term Approach
  • Laddered approach with an average maturity of typically 3-7 years
  • May purchase numerous debt instruments including but not limited to, Treasuries, Corporate, and Muni Bonds
  • Purchases investment grade investments
  • Most appropriate for clients seeking mid to long-term income (typically not longer than 10 years)

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